Coventry-Class 02
1. public Methods
• This means that code running outside the class can make calls to that method
• This has got to be the case, since we want people to interact with our objects by calling methods in them.
• In general the rules are:
–if it is a data member (i.e. it holds data) of the class, make it private
–if it is a method member (i.e. it does something) make it public
2. Static Items
• All the members that we have created in our class Account have been part of an instance of the class
• One can create members which are held as part of the class, i.e. they exist outside of any particular instance
• The static keyword lets us create members which are not held in an instance, but in the class itself
通过 static 关键字,我们可以创建不存在于实例中,而是存在于类本身的成员
2.1 Static vs const
• Note that we have made the data member of the class static, so that it is part of the class and not an instance of the class.
• One common programming mistake is to confuse static with const
–Marking a variable as const means ―the value cannot be changed
–Marking a variable with static means ―the variable is part of the class and is always present
一个常见的编程错误是混淆 static 和 const
-将变量标记为 const 意味着 - 变量值不可更改
-将变量标记为 static 意味着 - 变量是类的一部分,始终存在
2.2 共享Main函数
- AccountTest class 有一个名为 Main() 的静态成员方法
- 如果我们创建 50 个 AccountTest 实例,它们都将共享相同的 Main() 方法
- 在 C# 中,关键字 static 将成员标记为类的一部分,而不是类实例的一部分。
•We don't have to make an instance of the AccountTest class to be able to use the Main() method
• Keyword static doesn’t mean “cannot be changed”
• Members of a class which have been made static can be used just like any other member of a class • Either a data member or a method can be made static
-我们不必创建 AccountTest 类的实例就能使用 Main() 方法
关键字 static 并不意味着 "不能更改"。
静态化后的类成员可以像其他成员一样使用 - 数据成员或方法都可以被静态化
2.3 Using a static data member of a class
• The interest rate is held for all the accounts. • If the interest rate charged it must be charged for all accounts.
- 所有账户都有利率。 - 如果收取利率,则必须对所有账户收取。
2.4 Using a static method in a class
什么情况下用Static Method??
•We can't call the method until we have an Account instance. •We can solve this by making the method static
2.5 Using member data in static methods
using System;
namespace Program
class Account
private decimal myaccount;
private int myage;
public static bool AccountAllow(decimal income,int age)
if (income >= 10000 && age > 18)
return true;
return false;
3. Construction of Objects
当创建一个类的实例时,C# 系统会调用该类的构造方法。
3.1 Default Constructor
• A constructor method has the same name as the class, but it does not return anything:
• Default constructor is public so that it can be accessed from external classes who might want to make instances of the class.
• It accepts NO parameters.
class Account
public Account()
3.2 Defined constructor 已定义的构造函数
class Account
private string name;
private string address;
private decimal balance;
public Account(string inname,string inaddress, decimal balance)
name = inname;
address = inaddress;
balance = inbalance;
4. Overloading Constructors
"A method has the same name as another, but has a different set of parameters"
Overloading a method name
5. access modifiers
–public: type or member can be accessed by any other code in the same assembly or another assembly that references it
–private: type or member can be accessed only by code in the same class or struct
–protected : type or member can be accessed only by code in the same class or struct, or in a class that is derived from that class
– private protected: type or member can be accessed by types derived from the class that are declared within its containing assembly. 类型或成员可被包含在类的程序集中声明的类派生类型访问。(同程序集)
– internal : type or member can be accessed by any code in the same assembly, but not from another只能从同一个程序包访问。
– protected internal : type or member can be accessed by any code in the assembly in which it is declared, or from within a derived class in another assembly 可被访问该程序包或者别的程序包的派生类访问
6. Lab
- Code an example of a traffic light controller that uses the following enumerator:
enum TrafficLight { Red, Green, Amber };
using System;
// 定义一个枚举,代表交通信号灯的三种状态:红灯、绿灯、黄灯
enum TrafficLight { Red, Green, Amber }
class TrafficLightController
// 定义一个私有变量来存储当前的信号灯状态
private TrafficLight currentLight;
// 构造函数,初始化交通信号灯状态为红灯
public TrafficLightController()
currentLight = TrafficLight.Red;
// 方法:改变信号灯的状态
public void ChangeLight()
// 使用switch语句来根据当前的信号灯状态切换到下一个状态
switch (currentLight)
case TrafficLight.Red:
currentLight = TrafficLight.Green; // 红灯变绿灯
case TrafficLight.Green:
currentLight = TrafficLight.Amber; // 绿灯变黄灯
case TrafficLight.Amber:
currentLight = TrafficLight.Red; // 黄灯变红灯
// 输出当前的信号灯状态
Console.WriteLine($"当前信号灯状态: {currentLight}");
class TestTrafficLightController
static void Main(string[] args)
// 创建TrafficLightController的实例
TrafficLightController controller = new TrafficLightController();
// 模拟信号灯变化
controller.ChangeLight(); // 切换一次信号灯
controller.ChangeLight(); // 再切换一次
controller.ChangeLight(); // 再切换一次
- 编写一个著名的 "Hello World "程序的面向对象版本。您的版本应包括一个封装问候语字符串的类,并具有以下功能: - 带有问候语 "Hello World "的默认构造函数 - 带有字符串参数的构造函数,用于指定问候语 - SetGreeting() 和 GetGreeting() 方法,用于在对象构造完成后指定该对象的问候语,并相应地显示当前的问候语 您应提供一个测试类,以演示其功能 注释供自己参考。
using System;
class WarmWords
private string Greeting;
public WarmWords()
Greeting = "Hello World";
public WarmWords(string greeting)
Greeting = greeting;
public string Getgreeting()
return Greeting;
public void SetGreeting(string greeting)
this.Greeting = greeting;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
WarmWords warmwords1 = new WarmWords();