Design Patterns--Gof 01
Creational Patterns
separates a system from the creation, composition and representation of its objects , which increases the system's flexibility in what, who, how, and when of object creation.
encapsulates the knowledge about which classes a system uses and hides the details of how the instances of these classes are created and structured.
单例(Singleton)模式:类只能产生一个实例,保证全局使用的是同一对象。 原型(Prototype)模式:将一个对象作为原型,通过对其进行复制而克隆出多个和原型类似的新实例。 工厂方法(Factory Method)模式:定义一个用于创建产品的接口,由子类决定生产什么产品。 抽象工厂(Abstract Factory)模式:提供一个创建产品族的接口,其每个子类可以生产一系列相关的产品。 建造者(Builder)模式:将一个复杂对象分解成多个相对简单的部分,然后根据不同需要分别创建它们,最后构建成该复杂对象。
1. Factory Method: UML
1.1 图示
An object is created without exposing the creation logic to the external using a common interface.
used to create objects, but allow which subclass to instantiate, with various sub-types implementing the interface
1.2 Python Example:
1.3 benefits
To support additional object types
−is useful when requiring the creation of many different types of objects, all derived from a common base type.
−when an additional class is required, and objects are requested through a user interface, this pattern would simply pass on the new information to the factory, which would then handle the new types entirely.
1.4 实例
- 汽车生产:
- 手机生产:
- 销售订单:
2. Singleton Pattern
−enable a single class responsible to creates own object while ensuring that only single object get created.
−provides the access to its only object directly without need to instantiate the object of the class.
−useful when exactly one object is needed to coordinate across the system, which allows the system to operate more efficiently
2.1 图示
This pattern restricts the instantiation of a class to one object only.
It provides a global point of access to the instance created.
−Usually used for centralized management of internal or external resources to provide a global point of access to themselves. −should avoid introducing unnecessary restrictions in situations where a sole instance of a class is not actually required, and also introducing global state into an application
2.2 Python Example
Define a private static attribute for the single instance.
Define all constructors to be protected or private.
Define a public static accessor method (i.e. get method, e.g. with no self in the parameter) in the class; may only use the accessor method to manipulate the Singleton.
在类中定义一个公共静态访问器方法(即 get 方法,例如参数中不包含 self);只能使用访问器方法来操作 Singleton。
To run: only object is created
2.3 Use ‘lazy initialization’ (creation on first use)
lazy initialization in programming refers to delaying the creation of an object, the calculation of a value, or some other expensive process until the first time it is needed. A program only creates certain resources until the resource is first needed thus freeing valuable memory space.
编程中的 "懒初始化 "是指将创建对象、计算数值或其他昂贵的过程推迟到首次需要时进行。程序只在首次需要时才创建某些资源,从而释放了宝贵的内存空间。
2.4 Example
- the singleton pattern is applied to allow the clients to access the database via a single service point.
- the singleton pattern is applied to provide the global access to a file system
- A logger class provides a global logging access point in all the application components to carry out a logging operation.
Structural patterns
These design patterns relate to class and object composition. 这些设计模式与类和对象的组成有关。
代理(Proxy)模式:为某对象提供一种代理以控制对该对象的访问。即客户端通过代理间接地访问该对象,从而限制、增强或修改该对象的一些特性。 适配器(Adapter)模式:将一个类的接口转换成客户希望的另外一个接口,使得原本由于接口不兼容而不能一起工作的那些类能一起工作。 桥接(Bridge)模式:将抽象与实现分离,使它们可以独立变化。它是用组合关系代替继承关系来实现的,从而降低了抽象和实现这两个可变维度的耦合度。 装饰(Decorator)模式:动态地给对象增加一些职责,即增加其额外的功能。 外观(Facade)模式:为多个复杂的子系统提供一个一致的接口,使这些子系统更加容易被访问。 享元(Flyweight)模式:运用共享技术来有效地支持大量细粒度对象的复用。 组合(Composite)模式:将对象组合成树状层次结构,使用户对单个对象和组合对象具有一致的访问性。
3. Proxy Pattern
provides an object a placeholder for another object to control access to it, including:
3.1 Remote Proxy
- provides a local representation of the object which is present in the different address location
- provides the interface for remote resources such as web service resources.
−Example: When an object and its methods is running on another computer, and cannot be called directly
−Solution: To open a socket on the remote machine and pass messages to the remote object via a protocol as if the object was local. The methods can be called on a proxy object that forwards the calls to the real object on the remote machine, such as in ASP.NET (Active Server Pages for .NET), and in Java’s Remote Method Invocation (RMI).
-解决方法在远程计算机上打开一个套接字,通过协议向远程对象传递信息,就好像该对象是本地的一样。这些方法可以在代理对象上调用,代理对象会将调用转发给远程计算机上的真实对象,如 ASP.NET(.NET 的 Active Server Pages)和 Java 的远程方法调用(RMI)。
3.2 Smart Proxy
provides additional layer of security by interposing some actions when the object is accessed.
Example: a proxy to check if the real object is locked before it is accessed to ensure that no other object can change it.
3.3 Protective Proxy
acts as an authorisation layer to verify if the actual user has access to appropriate content.
the proxy server can be used to provide a restrictive access to resources.
−A company imposes a policy that employees will now be prohibited internet access based on their roles. All external emails websites will be blocked.
InternetAccess interface which consists of operation grantInternetAccess().
RealInternetAccess which allows of internet access for all.
ProxyInternetAccess which restricts the internet access, which will check user’s role and grant access based on their roles.
InternetAccess 接口包括操作 grantInternetAccess()。
RealInternetAccess 允许所有人访问互联网。
ProxyInternetAccess 限制互联网访问,它将检查用户的角色并根据其角色授予访问权限。
3.4 Virtual Proxy
useful to save expensive memory resources when there is an expensive operation, multiple proxies can be created and pointed to the huge size memory consuming object for further processing.
The real object gets created only when a client first requests/accesses the object and after that, the proxy object can be referred and reused. This avoids duplication of the object and hence saving memory.
3.5 Python Example
Image loading:
具有 display() 操作的图像界面。
RealImager 运行在不同的系统上,包含从数据库访问和加载的图像信息。
在不同系统上运行的 ProxyImage 可以在新系统中代表 RealImage。使用代理可以避免多次加载图像。
more Example:
the proxy pattern provides an proxy object (i.e. ATM) to the real object (i.e. BankBranch) for the customer to access
the Processor has RAM with cache memory; the proxy pattern provides an proxy object (i.e. Cache) to the real object (i.e. RAM) for the memory access.
处理器有带高速缓冲存储器的 RAM;代理模式为真实对象(即 RAM)提供了一个代理对象(即高速缓冲存储器),用于内存访问。
4. Adapter Patterns
−works as a bridge between two incompatible interfaces.
−combines the capability of two independent interfaces
card reader which acts as an adapter between memory card and a laptop. A memory card can be plugged into card reader and card reader into the laptop so that memory card can be read via laptop.
4.1 Python Example
一个例子是:调用不同的数据库: the database drivers to different types of databases